In de media
Looking back with Social label at Salone del Mobile Milan 2017
‘Beyond the Banter’ by Jordan Hruska, journalist for a.o New York Times and The Economist
Can a design trade fair act as a site for critical discourse? Design, of course, can’t solve for society’s ills, but designers possess the ability to stretch their imagination to offer more than just product. If the discipline follows more examples like those of Social Label between now and then, perhaps radical acts won’t be needed to advocate for more sustainable and inclusive values in the creation of new design. At its most productive, design is inherently critical. “Designers are critics of civilization, technology, and society,” said Dieter Rams in his seminal essay, “Omit the Unimportant.” So why not bring more scrutiny to Salone? The loss of sustained examination and inquiry risks the further proliferation of design as a spectacle differentiated only by its over-amplification. If political rhetoric is quickly reaching this pitch, perhaps designers need to match it with a collective voice, not the loudest one. Read the whole article, click here.
Milan Design Week 2017 The Highlights by Katie Treggiden
Dutch enterprise Social Label pairs people who have mental health issues and disabilities with renowned designers to create products like these tattooed ceramics, designed in collaboration with graphic designer Edwin Vollebergh of Studio Boot, which challenge stereotypes and break down taboos about their makers. “It’s a relief to do something for others and not only working for myself,” says one of the makers of this collection. “People are suddenly interested in what I create. You are seen. I am happy with that.”
Read the whole article, click here.
Publiekstijdschrift; favorieten, binnenkijken, stylen en shoppen
Over de bijzondere werkplek van Social label: Het Werkwarenhuis. Petra, Edwin en Simone: “Wij zijn op zoek naar verwondering”. Artikel door Caroline Westdijk
Wil je meer lezen: nu in de winkel in de laatste VT Wonen (nr 07, 2017). Pagina 162 t/m 164.
Casa Facile
Hong Kong Media
Elle Decor
Dutch Design Daily
RIBW Brabant
RIBW Brabant
Moma Style
Brabants Dagblad – VIDEO: Marc Mulders over zwaar autistische collega: ‘Ria hoort in het Van Abbe te hangen’
Happy Makers Blog – Werkwarenhuis
Label Magazine (designmagazine Polen) 1 & 2