
Film over de samenwerking voor het maken van een inclusieve samenleving. Ism TextielMuseum, Handweverij ASVZ en studio RENS

Film is mogelijk gemaakt door TextielMuseum en stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie.

Cooperating with Social label. What does that mean? Social label designs labour and initiates new connections with health care organisations and businesses to bridge the gap in society teaching craftsmanship within a comfortable environment. Social label for meaningful design supported by designers and experts TextielMuseum stimulates social entrepreneurship and inclusivity.

Designing is a process of trial and analysis. Working together on innovation and craftsmanship using the latest in technology. Craftsmanship will always be the work of humans. Working together. Sharing craftsmanship. Laughing together. Presenting together. Moving towards a human-centred economy. Social label foundation presents

Social label helps create an inclusive world through meaningful design.

film Fullframe – storyboard Social Label – artdirection/graphics Studio Boot

social label